Life on Mason Mountain


Story list

Cucumber soup Debbie's Wedding Do you want to see my Herman?
Doug and the base ball Doug's Wedding Setting up the tarps with Barbra
Where do you plan on going through this thing? Pam Ellen
The  screen-room in waterloo NY Rick Remember that time? (And it had not happened)
Lake Sebago NY Mothballs Potato chips and pretzels in paper bags Eric Trautmann and the basketball
Zach and the soap elephant. Potato chips and sesame street The Jenkins boys and the Roy Rodgers fixins bar Ba-bing, what's your point?
Mom and Dad's house and its condition The Barnegat bay sneak box DeMolay
The garbage man and hiding of the garbage Bear Meat and Bluefish Masonry (Mom and Dad)
Aunt Dottie Do you want to drive this thing? Carl and Kevin
Diets, weight watchers and the Cambridge plan Falling through the roof at Bellcore Rusty, ribs, lederhosen, tubas, the um pa pa band, rocker rusty, and the concubine poodle
Gouldsboro and froggy's place Getting stuck behind the panel at Oyster Creek Jeff Wilson and his wife Miss Zinzi
The Campfire Chatter Gum and seagulls Second Byte Computers
The Cell Phone and the pool The house fire The brick deck
Zach's Pool My second Circumcision Howard and the wheelchair
My great big deck and water world Howie and Tracy Bowling for broken hips "You knew the risk when you rented those shoes"
The Duck Story Kim Possible Fort Wars
The shoot out at wal mart Frogmen in the back yard The blue truck and eBay
Tommy Muller and lets put a computer in it I guess I should have had an abortion They said I am the worst Mother in the world
Dad Hallstead and Worthy Patron Eastern Star The Water Bottle
Foster Kids Honeymoon in Mystic I'll Get You
Cassy and EJ This vehicle climbed Mount Lee Jeff and Gettysburg
Ira Pedit and Sam the tire man Nancy and Ken Peggy and Paul
You gave him fire? Betty and Don Don and Marge
Uncle Chuckie and bad pastrami Otto And Alberta Otto And Bea
Mom Dad Doug
Debbie Yes, you can have too much smoked meat. When I grow up, I want to fix computers, what was I thinking?
Harry freakin Potter Mason's Mowing Service AJ's Pizza
Howard the Jewish Dachshund Uncle Jeff and shallow Zach Bellcore: Who the hell is this woman sleeping with?
Dorris Missy (woof)........(woof)......(woof) Warren, and it's too hot here
Tracy and his fathers badge of courage Ralph knows how to make an exit Dan and Pat, Bills antics, Pats antics
Matt and the coke with the pixie stick Doug and the cow at the farm Jeff and the deer
Sopa? por la banyo? Snookems and egg drop soup That's not right. We are going to loose the house. Do you want us to loose the house?
Zach and the N word Zach and girls are tricky Zach and dirigibles
You watch way too much law and order Dad and swallowing the drill. Milford Strawberries
Ellen and the girls in Mass Ted Barry Manalo tickets
12 Dozen Roses "Daddy's truck hit my face" Laura and the bear
Laura and the raisin The epiphany and Laura's Project Since Leslie got sick
The Grubes The Elmer, Ernie, And Eric Review He is a mole man! The Morris Canal
Marc Boorstien and the car shows Kate, "Oh now you call me sweetheart" The paver walk story Izzy and my underwear, Howie and Ellen's Bra, The cross dressing Dachshunds
The 50 degree pool Ellen walks on water The two headed dachshund
You can't be board if you think your goanna die Grant and Bob the couchasourus Zach, the diner, and Picasso
The peacocks and the attempted rape of Buddy the dachshund Izzy the obsessive compulsive dachshund The dam fish that won't die
Aunt Jean, we are lovers Those irresistible watermelons And rock salt in the butt Jeff Foxworthy was right Dachshunds are poop machines
 Magellan Zach and the seagulls Don't wiz on the electric fence
Mason Mountain Firebird and wheel bearing camel beach wave pool
Camel beach and Pam on the titan She is evil and she must die Dads freezer, What is that smell?
Doug in Disney and the living garbage can Mark and EJ no no uh-uh Zack's first words
Ashman and Bloomers gas Easter dinner The lady downstairs
the knitted lunch box with the rainbow colors Mush for brains Doug and tipping over the outhouse
Mom and the superintendent Mom and the OES spies Pam and can can sale
Antitiam And the boy scouts Casa de pee pee-Casa de pee pee Freckles The Parrott
Laura and Ed McMann Matt and the driving lesson Matt and the four expressos
Moving to PA Dad and Doug's front window Mom and the sand dune
Mom and the mall The rooster with the broken clock Betty and the eyeball
Squeaker leave the chickens alone The moving stair chair Betty and the big breast paintings
Bob the cat. barcoding live animals Leased trees Taint seen him in weeks
Valentines day gifts 47 years and we never had a fight Mom never a harsh word
Laura: Are sure you know where you are going? I know how to take care of my man I have a raging hard on Wash-wash-wash
Nancy, I have the KY jelly Get him Bob! (rooster story) Why do they call you Wit?
Belvedere and the nicknames Why can't every woman be like Laurie? Background
You smell The boat crash and Dana Lombardi Herman Hemple and Motor Mouth
Dan Stempert Bob Hyer Bobby Drew
Keith Dunnham Roy Rodgers Bo Craig
Zach Watch out for the choppers!