Weight Loss Surgery |
My Gastric Bypass Experience Write with comments to: secbyte@secbyte.com
December 2009
Welcome To December! | |
It is
Thursday December 3rd and another Happy Anniversary to Ellen and I! 19
years together. We took off of work to spend the day together and it
was nice. I am thinking the romance is a little waning, as we spent
the day at the Courthouse, The DMV, and the Social Security office.
Then we went to an Eastern Star Meeting, and put out dinner of Soup and
Sandwiches for 79 people. Clean up was a challenge, but we got it
done. We were home about 12:15 am. That is tough on Ellen, as
she needs to get up at 4 to make it to the bus by five for her trip into
NYC. At least she can get some sleep on the bus. it Drops her off so
she can be at work by 7:00 am. so she can sleep two hours on the bus,
and the two hours home.